Saturday, May 19, 2012

A new home

I was supposed to move home at the beginning of this month. I was going to be done with my internship, done with Logan, and back in my comfort zone with my friends and family. However, the Lord had different plans for me.

  My boss told me that I could have a job here as long as I wanted. I looked back home and found NOTHING as far as a job goes. What the heck?! So after many nights of prayer, tears, and worry, I found myself signing a housing contract to stay for another year. A year!
  A short while later, a higher-paying position opened at work. I was worried about taking it for a couple different reasons, but after some prodding from a few people (Mom, Dad, Marc...) I applied for it. The next week I interviewed for it, and got the job! I now have a full time job and will be here for...who knows how long. I'm a grown up!
I am finding more and more reasons why I needed to stay in Logan. I am growing so much and in many different ways. Each day I find myself more confident and comfortable. I am meeting people that are changing me for the better. I am so grateful for the Gospel and the gift of the Holy Ghost. I am grateful for Priesthood blessings and prayer. I know God hears and answers my prayers, and is mindful of my needs. Life gets hard, but life is good. And I am happy.
2 Great things about Logan--the beautiful temple and the beautiful mountains :)